CONTROL YOUR ELECTRONIC APPLIANCES FROM ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD A great app what can do a loot of staffWHEN PUSH THE BUTTON IT WILL SEND TO YOUR ESP32 OR ARDUINO BY BLUETOOTH - 222:on OR 222:off WHERE :222 -is the ID of your SWITCH where you enter when "add switch"// this code is in method loopif (SerialBT.available()) { // this is for esp32 String bluetoothData = SerialBT.readString(); // get data from bluetooth if(bluetoothData.indexOf("222:on") > 0){// when turn on the switch digitalWrite(relay1Pin, HIGH); // turn on the relay } else if (bluetoothData.indexOf("222:off") > 0){ // when turn off the switch digitalWrite(relay1Pin, LOW); // turn off the relay }} 1) Switch the relay(turn on/off the light or any home appliances), by internet using System API, or SMS 2) Make your own bulgary alarm / security systems, it will send anotification or sms when detect motion from sensor and arduino or ESP32 will send data by bluetooth to your old phone. Check the link bellow there will be the scheme how to do this. 3) Worry you forgot the cooker ON you can use your old phone for this to request a photo and the app will take a photo and send to your phone, isnt this great? (only you need is your old phone, no need any arduino or esp32)If you want to use this app to taking a photo and get it to your mobile phone, than you dont need any arduino or esp32 just install the app on phone what you want will stay in your house or garageThis app communicate with arduino/esp32 via bluetooth using HC05 or HC06... or ESP32, it allow you to create switches what you can use for door lock or turn on/off the light or the heater direct from your phone and the most important you can do this from around the world, by connect to internet if you dont have a internet connection you can control it by SMS.What you will need for doing this:Arduino any version and Bluetooth HC05 or HC06 or ESP32(Recomended)Relay ModuleAnd the app Arduino its a small microcontroller the price of it start from $1.5 where you can program it to do any operation like switch the relay or get data from sensor like temperature or control any DC or Stepper Motor and not only.Also this app could be used like security alarm connect to arduino a Motion Detector Sensor and when sensor detect motion send text by bluetooth via serial to the phone and it will send you an email or SMS, isnt that great?.But if you want to control the arduino via internet or sms you will need your old unused phone to do this. So how it work when you tourn the switch on it will send by bluetooth data like 22:ontourn the switch off it will send by bluetooth data like 22:off22 - id of the switch(you can get/change it from add/edit switches)on - messageso on arduino side will be like this if(returnData("22", "off")){// the id of the switch from app (you can find it by press add/edit switches) digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH); // for some rele when pin is HIGH the relay is disconnected }else if(returnData("22", "on")){ // the id of the switch from app (you can find it by press add/edit switches) digitalWrite(relay3, LOW); // for some rele when pin is LOW the relay is connected relay3- its the pin of the arduino (digital pin pin what name start with d1,d2)you worry how to write code for arduino dont have to, check the link bellow Check the link bellow there is the code for arduino, there its the scheme and code for Arduino and ESP32 how to create a bluetooth Smart Plug, and explanation how to do.Schema and generate the code for arduino or esp32